Dazzling brilliance
Shone upon another day
Lugh, o God of the sun
God of the sun
Burning fire
Sustaining life
Lugh, o God of the sun
Help, help us face
Help us face dawn
i would agree that church burning will not undo the past or serve as suitable justice. however i disagree that the church no longer causes suffering, the previous pope went round Africa lying to people saying that condoms do not stop the spread of HIV to discourage them form using them. People have died because of this. arson may not be the way to oppose these villains but they SHOULD be opposed. also waylander are gods
Note, this idea throws a few things out of whack, however. First off, given Nazerath was located in what we now call the Middle East, he was most likely dark skinned, not the pale white color we depict. Also, based solely on the fact of how old you had to be before the Roman Census would show you, we can figure his birthday was more likely closer to Easter then Christmas. So there is that.
Europe is the reason Europe is losing its sense of identity, self opting to take up a generic currency, adopt a uniform language, and getting watered down by a all inclusive culture.