Stars of the Lid - Even If You're Never Awake download mp3

  • Artist: Stars of the Lid
  • Song: Even If You're Never Awake
  • Genre: Rock
  • Length: 09:22
  • Size: 17.6MB
  • Bitrate: 256Kbps
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Download Stars of the Lid - Even If You're Never Awake

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1 Stars of the Lid - A Lovesong (For Cubs) +, Pt. 1 256 06:46
2 Stars of the Lid - Articulate Silences, Pt. 1 320 05:27
3 Stars of the Lid - Austin Texas Mental Hospital, Pt. 3 320 05:50
4 Stars of the Lid - Ballad of Distances, Pt. 2 256 03:03
5 Stars of the Lid - Be Little With Me 320 06:29
6 Stars of the Lid - Broken Harbors, Pt. 2 192 06:49
7 Stars of the Lid - Down 3 256 05:50
8 Stars of the Lid - Fucked Up (3: 57 AM) 320 08:36
9 Stars of the Lid - Gasfarming 320 03:21
10 Stars of the Lid - J.P.R.I.P. 192 04:39
11 Stars of the Lid - Lactate's Moment 192 12:19
12 Stars of the Lid - Mullholland 256 06:52
13 Stars of the Lid - Music for Twin Peaks Episode #30, Part 1 256 08:04
14 Stars of the Lid - Requiem for Dying Mothers, Pt. 1 320 06:41
15 Stars of the Lid - Requiem String Melody 192 02:46
16 Stars of the Lid - Summertimes 320 05:02
17 Stars of the Lid - Sun Drugs 320 12:21
18 Stars of the Lid - The Better Angels of Our Nation 320 04:00
19 Stars of the Lid - The Lonely People (Are Getting Lonelier) 256 10:07
20 Stars of the Lid - The Mouthchew Part 2 320 03:46



zackary squyres

2020-02-26 16:38:07 | Profile
All good art... has depressing thoughts in the comments section.

Martin Hill

2019-11-09 17:03:51 | Profile
one of the best ambient tracks ever made - no question about it.probably one of the best tracks in any genre tbh :)

Rainbow Wolf

2019-11-08 12:25:04 | Profile
You have reached the frontier

Austin Boutari

2019-11-06 09:09:48 | Profile
depression brought me here

Luh Garcia

2019-10-25 10:06:54 | Profile
Imagining looking out to the unknowable, eternal sea from Truro Beach, on a cloudy, cool Autumn day...

Heike Lacheta

2019-10-24 04:04:04 | Profile
They always have the best titles for their music

Benedetto Disanto

2019-10-16 22:18:09 | Profile
something about the horn me everytime...

Henry O S

2019-10-08 12:52:53 | Profile
this piece is like the internal soundtrack that plays while reminiscing on a fading memory, each flashback transports you back to that colorful memory you have, leaving you with a feeling of nostalgia yet a longing of wanting to go back but not being able to.


2019-09-22 06:58:27 | Profile
Because of the title and the reverberation of the instruments it reminds me of a journey that transcends space and time. Sort of like that movie Interstellar with a splash of Prometheus. It feels like humanity.


2019-09-18 12:09:56 | Profile
my favorite sotl it my imagination or do i hear words in the background of the music on one or two occasions?