Ground Control: Ready for last minute cock-pit-check?
Pilot: OK
GC: Largactil… five milligrammes
P: Check
GC: Valium… ten milligrammes
P: Check
GC: Haloperidol… five milligrammes
P: Which one?
GC: The little white ones. W — W for white. (W-W written as the German
VolksWagen symbol)
P: (a bit slower) OK. Check
GC: Pheno Barbitone. Five Milligrammes
P: (slower) Check
GC: Disipel… five milligrammes
P: (even slower) Cheeeck
GC: Glass of water
P: Cheeeeeeeck…
Ground Control and Pilot: Our father … which art in heaven hallowed be …
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxi ma culpa
(Jet take off noise into…)